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    Summer is in full swing. Despite what you may think, Summer is not a particularly good time for photography. So we (my wife Joan and I) have decided to take a short trip, to the Notecka Forest in the Lubuskie Lake District. This is a place we know well, we have been coming here for twenty years - firstly with children, and now by ourselves, but always with a tent. We are in for a surprise this time however, the campsite is full, like never before. We are setup next to a couple with two children on one side, but on the other side there was a team with nine children - respect. Our "palace" We quickly established a rapport with the small family next two us, as the younger of the two kids, Bogna, came up to us and asked why we had such a large tent. It is big indeed, three bedrooms, a remnant from trips with our own children. This explanation seemed to satisfy her. Her sister was a little more reserved in dealing with strangers, but she was equally as charming. I was, of

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