It has finally become colourful - autumn is in full swing. Taking advantage of the weather, my familiar group of colleagues went to the forest. This time Stobrawski Landscape Park. There are lots of mushroom pickers in the parking lot. We stand out - instead of baskets and buckets - backpacks and photographic equipment - we must be weird people.  
We walk, surrounded by colours, searching everywhere for interesting shots - the characteristic smell of mushrooms and rotting leaves follow us around.

After walking a few dozen meters, "it started". First, we came across a large clump of red lingonberries.

After laying down, it turned out that there were many more wonders of autumn to be discovered from this vantage point, so we stayed that way.

Andrzej - as befits a Professor, approaches the matter methodically.

Małgosia also does not give up - similar to her husband -  Andrzej

Mushrooms were practically everywhere. From tiny ones hidden in the moss, to larger more colourful ones growing on tree trunks, to the largest ones warping into interesting forms.

This "sly guy" hid under a leaf - but it didn't matter - he was found!

The "eared" tree means we are being overheard

We also found blooming remnants of heather. By the way, have any of you ever looked at heather flowers before? Below, enlarged - I find them quite striking and interesting.

Back to mushrooms. 

The smallest ones grew in depressions in the ground, between leaves or near trunks - sometimes taking on amazing shapes.

Finally - the only one ! :-)

This one, like several others, ended up in a frying pan

And just to be clear - I don't eat mushrooms!!
 And that's how I became  an informer. And that is why i am happy to reveal their secrets.

This post may be  a long story - I apologize for that - but how can I not show this riot of colors and shapes.

Photos: Marek Czubaszek


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