The sun was warming up, and we - as usual, the permanent team, it means: "Profesory" (Gosia, Andrzej) 😊, Wojtek and the one taking up the most space,  me - decided to check out  what was going on in Dąbrowy Janikowskie.

photo. Małgosia Gęgotek Rapak            from left : Andrzej, me and Wojtek

photo. Małgosia Gęgotek Rapak                             here it's only me

It turns out that despite the relatively early season, there was already quite a lot of activity in the forest. Lots of insects that started running and flying as the temperature rose. And so it began - magic!!! 

There were………fairies  flying over the berry bushes!! Well, ok, not exactly a fairy, but you can use your imagination and dream a little 😊 - see for yourself.

The green longhorn

These little ones - which are actually about a centimeter in size - are actually butterflies - the green longhorn. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of them - only males, probably in mating flight.
 For me it's complete chaos - but I could be wrong 😊

Didn't I say Elves?

While watching the fairies 😉, I noticed that this year - if there is no frost - there will be a lot of berries.

They are blooming profusely. By the way, have you ever looked closely at the flower of a blueberry?

Below - photo of the flowers.

Blueberry flower

At one point, on the path we were walking, we noticed the already familiar oil black beetle.
This time it's a female (she has straight antennae) - large and quite fast. Fortunately, she stopped for a moment to "bite" something, so I photographed her during the meal.

The oil black beetle

The oil black beetle

A very nice accent among the ubiquitous greenery was a Ampedus sanguineus with red wing covers. I couldn't find the English name.

Ampedus sanguineus

There were quite a lot of butterflies flying among the forest undergrowth and in the undergrowth - one in particular was present in large numbers - the green hairstreak.

the green hairstreak


Have you ever wondered who comes up with these names??!

Overall, the trip was very successful and even though we were in a group, I will remember it as a meeting with fairies - little spirits of the forest that most people rarely pay attention to.

I encourage everyone to look at the nature around them differently next time - when in a forest, park or meadow - perhaps you will see "miracles" that we often have no idea about and you will look at the world around you with greater humility, realizing that we are not the only ones here…


photos: Marek Czubaszek (except Gosia's photos) 😊


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