The title may be a little tongue in cheek, but June is the month when you can observe one of Poland's largest beetles - stag beetles (Lucanus cervus). No photo can convey the emotions I felt when I saw these insects "live" for the first time. Their size truly is  impressive.

Of course, large mandibles are characteristic only of males. In females they are much smaller.

                                                               Photo below - female

The first time I saw a stag beetle, it flew passed me. I tried to follow it and went to where I thought it landed, but when I searched the area… there was nothing?! It was a long time later when I learned from an acquaintance - an enthusiast who observes and documents these insects for the University of Wroclaw - when, where and how to find these creatures. A priceless lesson.

Thank you, Mr. Piotr for the lessons given during our meetings in the field.

It turns out, which I didn't know before, that there are in fact two types of this beetle in Poland:

- The Larger variety– with massive mandibles that are of equal length or longer than the pronotum and head combined.

- The Smaller variety- a form with much smaller mandibles, shorter than the rest of the body.

This photo shows the two varieties of Stag Beetle found in Poland:  inside – smaller,  on the outsides - larger

Photo below - smaller form

To be continued...

Photos : Marek Czubaszek


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