I see You ...

Praying mantis season is in full swing. You will have been able to see specimens flying around for about two weeks. Males fly more willingly, so you can sometimes see them travelling to and from safe places to escape danger. Due to global warming, more and more insects are surviving the winter, which is gradually increasing their periods of activity. 

My friends and I decided to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and go looking for them. We arrived around 9 a.m. but we only "lasted" until noon - we lost to the temperature and sun 

(33 degrees C). However, we found several adult specimens. 

For those interested : 

Common mantis (Mantis Religiosa) - there are two color varieties - green and brown. The easiest way to distinguish the sex is by the number of segments (sternites) on the abdomen - males have 8 and females 6.

Photo above - a female

Photo above - a male

Below are some photos taken during the trip

Photos: Marek Czubaszek


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