At the beginning of October, I set out with my usual group of friends to look for Autumn Crocus. Maybe a little too late in the year, but... I'm actually lying a little about the “search” - I know the location that is affectionally described as “Autumn Crocus meadow”.

After arriving at the car park and a short walk, we entered the meadow. There was not many flowers, and after the night's rain, most of the remaining ones were broken or fallen and hidden in the grass. 
In the photo from the left: Gosia and Ela

We had  no luck, but we took advantage of the weather window (we had sun for a few hours) and the pleasant temperature for this time of year to "crawl" across the meadow.

Gosia and Wojtek

Some of the participants tried to make at least something out of these "not completely broken" plants, while I focused on what fascinated me the most, the micro-world.

In the photo - me                                                                        photos. Małgosia Rapak

Quite quickly, a common hoverfly appeared next to the flower where I was lying peacefully with the camera. It definitely improved the value of the photo (if there was any there in the first place) 😊

photo: Marek Czubaszek

However, the most interesting thing was still ahead of me. While looking at the fallen leaves, I noticed some movement. It turned out that it is - although it is about 7 mm - our largest springtail, named - Tetrodontophora bielanensis. 

My creature moved quite briskly, so it was quite difficult to capture it in the frame - but I got it.

photo. Marek Czubaszek

I saw them for the first time during an outdoor photography session in the Świętokrzyski National Park (it is one of the Polish National Parks) last year. 

Finally, I found a ladybug which - as you could see - was trying to find the best place to take off. She tried a few different leaves, walking back and forth, several times I thought that it was time, but she changed her mind again, and so on. So I was lying there with the camera next to my eye, waiting for this moment, and even though I took the photos in a series, I actually missed the start. The moment she spread her wings, the buffer in my camera refused to cooperate (it became clogged) and the next frame was without the ladybug.

          I mean, it turned out as usual 😊


Well, - they were supposed to be Autumn Crocus, but as a result there were the fewest of them :-(.  Next time I will make it on time - but it will be next year. Soon I will go somewhere else to take photos - I will write. At the end, so that I wouldn't be sad that everything was wrong, the Roman Snail crawled onto the road. At least he didn't run away :-) 

I will write soon. 

Now I'm planning  a trip to see the colors of Autumn - we'll see

Marek Czubaszek


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