Winter is probably gone for good. Here and there you can see the early spring flowers beginning to bloom. A decision was made to check them out, so off we went to Muszkowice Beech Forest Reserve. Like a forest it was muddy, and still the bridge over the stream has not been fixed - perhaps on purpose - I don't know. There were lots of flowers - much too early, but here they are.

Spring snowflake


February daphne

Blooming snowdrops, spring snowflakes, February-daphnes and golden-saxifrage, the leaves of hepatica, anemones and arum alpinum have already appeared. Soon it will all "explode" into a riot of colors and scents.

We spread out around the area

And, as you can see, some of us have even crawled away 😉


Andrzej observed nature in a more "dignified" manner 😀


At one point, Małgosia and Andrzej focused on …….. 

I froze - but no, no - it's not what it looks like!! You will need to trust me on this, but... it's a mushroom 😊. Exidia nigricans (common name Witches’ butter), which decomposes dead wood of deciduous trees.
Below are photos taken by Małgosia.
Their color changed depending on the angle of light.
Photo: Małgosia Gęgotek Rapak

Photo: Małgosia Gęgotek Rapak

Photo: Małgosia Gęgotek Rapak

I saw similar ones on several fallen trees - but those were definitely not mushrooms 😱 - oh well.

I focused on the more colorful part of the forest - Daphne bushes. A wonderful color in this, despite appearances, still quite monotonous forest.

The flowers are quite small, but when enlarged they look as if they were... made of plastic - that's the impression i got.

And of course my favorite Spring Snowflakes.

A rather unusual (at least for me) looking leaf caught my attention.


After a short search on the Internet, I found that these white "paths" are made by a moth larva - Stigmella Splendidissimella.
Well - we are always learning.

At the end I saw - well look for yourself:

And a thought occurred to me - maybe just as deer lose their horns, some little Cupid might have lost his wings 😱 

 Maybe now he's looking for it......

photos: Marek Czubaszek (except Gosia's photos)


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