It's an obvious title, but I couldn't think of a better one.

It snowed a bit, so I took advantage of the weather and went for a walk in the forest. I didn't expect any spectacular events or photos - but was happy to just get out of the house.

 The forest is a lightly dusted with snow, the leaves are covered with fine fluff.

There were mushrooms sticking out of the snow on the ground here and there!!? The image is rarely seen by me, so I found it a bit strange.

Apart from the tiny, barely visible mushrooms, there were also a few larger ones, some of which were probably edible, but I'm not sure about that - as I've already written - I don't eat mushrooms.

Anyway, there's something strange about these mushrooms. Once, in the spring, while I was outdoors taking photos of brain mushrooms (a mushroom that looks like a brain on a leg - at least that's what it reminds me of), I met a man who was collecting them and praised their taste. When I mentioned that everywhere it was written that they was poisonous, he said: "Look, I've been eating them for forty years and no one told me!” - so what do I know?

It is a spitting image - some ALIEN!!!?

I wandered around, feasted my eyes on the sight of mushrooms, but the question still torments me – AREN’T THEY COLD??!

Photos: Marek Czubaszek


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